Friday, February 15, 2019

We Are The Ones We Have Been Waiting For

"The time of the lone wolf is over.
Gather yourselves!
We are the ones we have been waiting for."

I had always thought that we were all in this together. That rich and poor alike had a vested interest in maintaining the environment for the betterment of all life. That belief has been repeatedly shattered by the omnipresence of megalomaniac monsters whose only goal is to further their own interests. I no longer suffer from those delusions.

Growing up in the 60's the world did not seem like the awful place that it has become. As recently as two years ago I still thought that the 60's and 70's were not a bad time. I was, of course, way off base. The 60's and 70's were really bad, I just didn't see it. It wasn't until later, in the 80's that I became aware of folks like Rachel Carson, who wrote Silent Spring in September of 1962, which documented the adverse environmental effects of the indiscriminate use of pesticides. It was then that I began to find out how bad and how hidden things had been when I was growing up.

The massive growth of suburbs had not really gotten off the ground when I was prowling around in, what is now called, Silicon Valley. There were miles of orchards and small two lane roads that you could walk or bicycle along and not see a car for hours on end. There were still small towns separated by stretches of country and a farmer would come by our house twice a week in a horse drawn wagon bringing fresh fruits and vegetables to our neighborhood.

The hospital where I was born is in Santa Monica. In the lobby of this hospital is an aerial picture of the area that was taken on the month and year that I was born and there are still dirt roads. In San Francisco up until 1966 the Sutro baths were still open, Playland at the Beach was open until the year before I graduated from high school. There was evidence of the past all around. It really was a fairyland but the fairyland has been overrun by monsters. Any sign of how things were has been erased. Replaced by the signs of greed, power and inhumanity.

My generation and the time in which we grew up was, I believe, the last time anyone would get to grow up relatively free of worry about the future. We are now on the edge of a reckoning, the bills racked up by the previous generations are now coming due and everyone on the planet is going to pay dearly.

The young people of today will not have the luxury of planning for a future. They will not have the luxury of hope. They will not have the luxury of growing old. Those luxuries are a thing of the past.

We, all of us, have a choice to make. We have to choose between dying like dogs in the street or standing up for what is right and dying with our boots on. There is no time to ponder, there is no time to wait for a savior, there is no time to try to squeeze a little more unconscious behavior out of this wrung dry rag of a society.

I have said this before but it bears repeating; over and over if necessary, it is time to fight. Awareness of a problem is fruitless and hollow if the awareness does not result in action. There is hope in action and not the lame, mindless hope for a fix or a reprieve but the hope of knowing that you are becoming the person you were meant to be, the warrior who will not stand idly by while everything sacred is being defiled.

Even in the hallowed halls of the Doomosphere I can still see little glimmers. No one wants to die and so, no matter how aware we are of the problem, we continue for some reason to believe that maybe there is a fix. There is not. We are on our way out and the sooner you accept that, really accept it. the better able you will be to cope.

We are all alone and no one is coming to save us. However cynical that might sound it is the truth. No congressman or woman, no president, no governor, no one is coming. It's just us, gathered around the campfire and watching the advancing storm.

If you are tired of watching,  if you are tired of waiting, if you are tired of cheering on mindless representatives of the power structure, if you are tired of having the owners dictate the terms of your life and the lives of your children and loved ones, then get the fuck up, turn off the computer, shut down the noise and get out and get dirty, because dirty is what you will get when you go for the throat of the demons who have taken over our souls.