"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night
only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf"
attributed to George Orwell
A couple of years ago when the town of Oroville, California was shut off from the rest of the world due to flooding a friend of mine, who lives there, said it went wild west real quick. People were carrying guns, he and his wife both had guns in their cars, getting in fights at gas stations, stripping the shelves at grocery stores of supplies and this took place over only a couple of days.
If you have been following the events that are occurring in the aftermath of hurricane Dorian in the Bahamas you will have some idea of what we are going to be faced with. Hurricane Imelda has just dropped what is being called unprecedented amount of rain in southeast Texas.
Weather like this is only going to become more commonplace as we hurtle towards oblivion. With the extremes will come more and more desperation as people try to find food, water and shelter and to protect their families and if you think that, somehow, it won't happen in your neighborhood you are sorely mistaken.
Between the collapse and the end there is going to be an interim period where you will have to either defend what you care about or die. There will be no in between. There will be no happy, peaceful people singing and holding hands on the beach while they wait for the destruction that is sure to come. There will be desperate, panicked, fearful people unsure of what to do or where to go.
If you do not want to be crushed beneath the feet of a stampeding herd of humans you had better start taking steps, right now, to prepare yourself. I am not talking about long term preparation because we all know that there is no long term. What I am talking about is preparing to hold on for as long as you can and defend those you love.
In his book, The Gift of Fear, Gavin De Becker said, "Though we live in space-age times, we still have stone age minds. We are competitive and territorial and violent, just like our simian ancestors. There are people who insist this isn't so, who insist that they could never kill anyone, but they invariably add a telling caveat: "Unless, of course, a person tried to harm someone I love." So the resource of violence is in everyone; all that changes is our view of the justification."
This being the case, it is my contention that everyone should take steps to prepare for, what will be, a very violent, unsettling time that will challenge every one of the views you currently hold of your peaceful, higher nature. Non-violence will not be an option.
"George Hebert (27 April 1875 - 2 August 1957) was a pioneering physical educator in the French military who developed a system of physical education and training known as "la methode naturelle" (The Natural Method) which combined the training of a wide variety of physical capacities with the training of courage and morality."
He stated that, "The final goal of physical education is to make strong beings. In the purely physical sense, the Natural Method promotes the qualities of organic resistance, muscularity and speed, towards being able to walk, run, jump, move on all fours, to climb, to keep balance, to throw, lift, defend yourself and to swim."
It is now time to begin your training. Violence and unrest will come your way and you had better be prepared. It will not wait for you to be ready. I was chased down a mountain road by a psycho in a big car just the other night for driving too slow. He was not going to ask if I was ready he was just going to attack me. He did not care if I was old or young, tall or short, peaceful or equally as violent. He just wanted to hurt me for interfering with his desire to go fast. Imagine what it would have been like if he needed food or water or wanted money or had a family that he was providing for. It would have resulted in either him or me getting hurt or possibly killed.
So in opposition to everything I have always believed I am now getting ready. I have signed up for a close quarters combat class (Krav Maga), I am going to C.E.R.T.(community emergency response team) meetings to learn emergency medical techniques. C.E.R.T is nationwide and there is most likely a group near you, and I am going to buy a gun and learn how to use it.
I do not view myself as a particularly violent person but I am also practical enough to know that I will have to defend people and places that I love in the not too distant future...or, I could just die.
(P.S. I am not an Amazon affiliate and provide links only to give you an easy way to purchase the listed books.)